Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)

Meanwhile the long term roadmap proposal is to be shared soon, we adopted the Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) system to evaluate the works done in the given period.

The OKRs template will be used to guide the discussions.

:rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

LunarDAO Objectives & Key Results - February 2023

Archive: okr/okrs_february_23.md at master · lunardao/okr · GitHub


Align all DAO parts to be ready for the genesis launch, no later than March 6th. As measured by 4 Key Results which further become Objectives for the executive groups.

Key Results:

  1. Finished the DAO structure & Approval by the community
  2. Grow our media presence
  3. Scale up the community
  4. Research & finalize proposals for the main primitives

As these KRs are clear, they are too high-level to evaluate, that’s why they are seen as objectives and separated into tangible, lower-level KRs:

Objectives - DAO structure Key Results Evaluation
Finish the DAO structure 1. Finished tokenomics v2
2. Finished governance v2
3. Finished LIP-0001
4. Points # 1,2 & 3 are discussed and approved by the community
Objectives - Media Committee Key Results Evaluation
Grow media presence & gain traction for the launch 1. Articles & Announcement page - Blog: up and running
2. Sentinel & Roadmap Announcements published & shared w >2k views each
4. @lunarpunksquad >2k followers
5. At least 1 respected crypto medium endorsed LunarDAO
6. Finish & share the video: >50 RT & 25k views
Objectives - Community Management Key Results Evaluation
Scale up the community 1. >50 accounts on the forum
2. Lunarpunk future event w >50 participants and a Steward voice inside
3. Attending 2 external twitter spaces w a LunarDAO representative
4. Onboarding >5 new ircd participants on regular basis
Objective - Research Committee Key Results Evaluation
Research & Finalize the proposals for the main primitives 1. Finalized proposal for On-Chain Agreements (SAFT), reviewed by a lawyer
2. A pre-agreement of 1 privacy project investment (AnonDAO)
3. Started 1 research collaboration project with allies

Core-Team Growth

Besides the OKRs focused on the main DAO objective, every Steward shall strive to grow individualy. We will discuss every 3 months what this means. Starting a DAO and OKRs system and listening to the close allies, such personal OKRs can look like this:


In Q1 2023, every Steward expands their knowledge on Cypherpunk/Lunarpunk, organizational management and investment allocation, as measured by:

Key Results

  1. Read a mini-ebook “Cypherpunk Visions and trends 2023-2025” (Juraj Bednar)
  2. Read a book “Measure what matters” (John Doerr)
  3. Read a book "Paper Belt on Fire" (Michael Gibson, proposed to us by a close ally)

I love when things are organized, in space and in my head. Sometimes i wonder if I have a too technical approach to things. OKRs certainly helps to keep focus on what is important. i appreciate it a lot.

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