Actionable tasks

A room to share outcomes of weekly meetings. List of work need to be done.

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TASKS from the meeting - April 8th:

  1. Get Moros grant proposal finished asap (forum, @0xHIRO )
  2. GC20 grant finished this week (forum. @hux @Huxlux )
  3. Answer questions around LIP-0005 (forum)
  4. Push out the finalized blog post and share it (stewards)
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Some updates to the tasks


TASKS from May 20th meeting:

  1. LIP-0005 (community)
  2. Schedule FIRN Space (@hux - @Huxlux @sadar ) Do we want to do it on twitter or try this one on telegram?
  3. Conference/community outreach (community)
    4. darkirc transition material (@zero)

Tasks from May 27th meeting:

  • LunarDAO community darkirc migration set for two weeks from today (target - 10/06/2024)
  • Firn call sweep action on the reward contract before Firn token unlock
  • make FIRN token unlock announcement
    • Distribute FIRN rewards
  • Begin raise
    • Open private front end
    • Run in parallel vote to support/oppose LIP-0005

Outstanding tasks from previous meetings:

  • LIP-0005 (community)
  • Schedule FIRN Space (@hux - @Huxlux @sadar ) Do we want to do it on twitter or try this one on telegram?
  • Conference/community outreach (community)

Tasks from June 24th meeting:

  • get dates for both Firn and Darkfi spaces and announce them
  • push out the firn recap
  • publish raise guide wiki and blog
  • finalize our part on raise setup so when firn is ready they can do their side of work

Outstanding tasks from previous meetings:

  • Schedule FIRN Space (@hux - @Huxlux @sadar ) Do we want to do it on twitter or try this one on telegram?
  • Begin raise
    • Open private front end
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